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Thermal imaging - to be like Predator
There are situations and targets, which require more than an eagle eye and the highest quality of optics. We can then count on the help of thermal imaging devices, allowing us to track the object's heat signature. Through the recent decades, thermal imaging cameras and scopes have found their place in the hands of both civilian engineers, border guards, hunters, and… hunters from other planets. What are those devices, and how do they work? We will try to answer that in this post.
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Direct Action dump bag - SGO Poznań review
We present in our blog a review of the Direct Action bag made available by SGO Poznań.
Following the idea of "adapt the equipment to the task", each shooter can freely configure his equipment according to his preferences. Where in all of this is the place for the dump bag and what is it for? We will try to present it in this blog.
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Bulletproof Vests & Ballistic Plates
For the pretty obvious reason, recent events in the Eastern Europe cased a major increase of interest in military and surplus products. Increased sales include almost every product that may become handy on the battlefield—starting from the warm clothes and uniforms, through backpacks and ending with tactical and bulletproof vests. In this post, we will try to shed some light on the latter, because in our opinion it is one of the key elements of tactical equipment that can often decide whether the user survives.
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Gas masks - the most important mean of respiratory protection
Gas masks are the first and essential means of protecting the respiratory tract from chemical warfare agents (CWA) and harmful volatile substances. They are used by the armed forces, rescuers, and civilian workers exposed to contact with chemicals. The following text will present the history of the creation and development of gas masks, from the beginning during World War I to the present day, the division of masks in terms of operation and construction, the description of combined filters, their purpose, types and how to recognize them, as well as there will be presented answer for the question of how elephants are related to all of this.
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