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First Aid Kit, IFAK, IPMED - types and uses of military first aid kits
In this blog post, we will try to show you standard sets of different army-issued military individual first aid kits, because these are the ones we know most about. It will help all of you to prepare your own individual first aid kit, in the spirit of a rule that we don’t haul something we don’t know or plan on using.
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Which tourniquet to choose - uses, how-to, and differences between models
With increasing world tensions, more people have started looking for life-saving equipment, including tactical tourniquets. Because of their use being somewhat allowed only in the tactical world, many people still lack basic knowledge, allowing them to choose and apply tourniquet effectively and quickly enough. In this blog post, we will try to showcase the differences between some more popular models of tourniquets, the basics of how to apply them, and explain why you shouldn’t buy one from an unknown company.
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