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Tactical softshell - which type suits you the most?
Choosing the right top layer often turns out to be crucial for the comfort and safety of our trips, being the first line protecting us from weather conditions. As we mentioned in the previous article, outdoor clothing should create a coherent and complementary system, in which the outer layer will protect us from wind and rain, the middle one will heat up and the inner layer will be responsible for moisture management and comfort.
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Tactical / Outdoor Autumn Clothing
As every year, lower and lower temperatures limit the freedom with which we can approach our more or less organized field trips. Proper selection of our wardrobe during shopping and adjusting it to the ''onion'' clothing system will improve not only our comfort. Complex sets are much easier to configure and more universal, which will allow us to save money by avoiding shopping closely tailored to the very specific conditions of clothing.
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How to sharpen a knife?
When using the knife, each user will achieve the moment when they will have to sharpen it. For novice users, this is quite a challenge, because the knife accessories market offers a wide selection of sharpeners and sharpening systems. Remember that no sharpener or sharpening system will do the work for us. Also our best manual skills will not help much without proper and correctly selected sharpening equipment.
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How to become the fire mage
The ability to light a fire is crucial for any bushcraft fan. Windproof jet lighter undoubtedly has many advantages, but those interested in survival will appreciate the reliability of the flint much more. Besides, using a lighter when we want to feel the atmosphere of ''survival'' is as pleasant as using the AK-47 during a deer hunt - as if it was easier, but in the back of our head we feel that it is not exactly what we expected.
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Tactical backpack, small or large?
Depending on our lifestyle, the way in which we transport the most needed items can vary dramatically. The basic question we should ask ourselves is whether we need a backpack for this. If the answer is yes, our guide may be quite useful. Due to the wide range of volumes, the article is based on the products of the Polish brand Wisport, however, it can be related to every manufacturer.
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You don't have to take a map and compass everytime you go outside, to forest trip or simple walk. But at more serious trips this inconspicuous stuff sometimes can save your skin.
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Medical Kits - an important, often neglected thing
Regardless of whether you are talking about bushcrafts, outdoor games, ASG shootouts, mil-sims or other outdoor games, a lot of attention is devoted to the subject of shoes, water, clothing, widely understood equipment, as well as backpacks and replicas. The subject of securing oneself for particularly unpleasant circumstances of an accident, requiring medical intervention, passes in passing and often goes to a very distant plan. We would say that this is quite a ''medium'' approach.
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 And the knife will come in handy. Part-3: How to safely handle a knife?
Knife is as useful as it is dangerous. Theoretically, the case is simple - there is a blade with a cutting edge and a handle for holding. The problem is complicated when it comes to practice. Then there is the need for patches and sometimes stitches. Therefore, here are some tips for safe handling of knives that result from our experience. Some may know them, others do not. Anyway - it is worth repeating.
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